A word from our clients
9 Simple Tips When Staging Your Home for Selling
Posted: 10th February 2022
Posted in: Media
Home staging, which is how you present your home during a viewing, is a sound investment of your
time and money. The main aim of staging a home is to show buyers the full potential of your property.
Remember, buyers aren’t just looking for a physical structure to live in, they are also looking for a
house that fits the lifestyle they desire. Here are some tips when staging a home:
Make it not your own

Depersonalizing your property makes it much easier for a prospective buyer to visualise themselves
living in it, as well as lessening the feeling that the home belongs to someone else.
The obvious things to remove are photographs, notes and leaflets on the fridge, and personal items
in the bathroom like toothbrushes and deodorant. It’s probably a good idea to put away any
religious objects also.
Now is the time to declutter.

Clutter is bad news when you’re trying to sell your home. It’s not only unattractive, but it also makes
a room appear as though it has less space than it actually does.
When decluttering, aim to create empty space. That means gathering items like paperwork, power
cords, phone chargers, towels, sporting equipment and any of the other thousand things lying
around your home and putting them in a storage box.
Light up your home

Even if you don’t have a fantastic lighting setup, there’s still a lot you can do. The aim here is to
avoid potential buyers poking their heads into dark, uninspiring rooms.
Get in as much natural light as possible by opening all curtains and blinds, and turn on all lights when
showing your home. Also, cut back any shrubs or bushes blocking light from entering your windows.
Green is good

Green, healthy plants can do wonders for a property. They create colour, bring life to a dull space,
and provide a sense of liveability to a home.
If you aren’t confident with indoor plants, then we suggest you get some help from a friend or family
member who is. There’s no need to go overboard, but make sure any plants you use are in good
Check your room layout

One problem that emerges over time from living in the same home is that we stop viewing the
property objectively. Because we see it up close, day in and day out, we become blind to what it
actually looks like.
This is especially true for the layout of your rooms. Often tables, chairs and desks are placed in
awkward, inconvenient or unattractive positions, which, although it mightn’t be a problem for you,
may seem strange to the fresh eye of a potential buyer.
Pay attention to first impressions

You know where a potential buyer will enter your property and approach the front door. You also
know everything that they will see as they make that approach.
There’s no excuses for a sad, untidy, uninspiring front yard and door entrance. These are usually the
first things that buyers see and it can set the tone for how they feel about what’s inside the
property. So tidy your gardens, jazz up your front door step, and make that powerful first impression
work in your favour.
Floors shouldn’t be a bore

Flooring can be overlooked during home staging efforts, but it shouldn’t be. It’s an important part of
your home that every potential buyer will notice.
If your floorboards are looking a little tired, consider having them polished or refinished. Or for a
quick and easy fix, take a look at using some strategically placed rugs to give some life to a floor. And
yes, your carpets need to be cleaned!
Know your audience

This is a part of home staging that many people overlook. While it’s not always easy to know what
kind of potential buyers are going to walk through the door, there are some simple actions you can
Talk to your real estate agent about the types of buyers who will likely be interested in your
property. Also think about your price point and your location – two key details that will help you
stage your home to the right tastes.
Be wary of blues and pinks

While your two young boys may love the blue painted walls and dinosaur toys scattered across their
rooms, a potential buyer with two girls may see it differently.
Don’t minimise the influence of children on the purchasing decisions of adults. If you do have
strongly gendered rooms, think about toning them down into something more palatable for all kids –
regardless of their gender.
Recommendation of inspiration at https://www.pinterest.com
We here at JW. Prestige Agents often use professional home staging services to ensure you get
maximum return on the sale of your property. Give us a call and we can provide further information
on what we can do for you.