Our homes are much more than physical objects that keep us sheltered from the weather. They are where we grow, where we relax, where we eat and where we escape.
There are many factors of a home that contribute to our wellbeing. Some are obvious, others less so.
We here at JW. Prestige Agents have put together 10 simple tips on creating a healthy home for you and your family.

Fresh air

Stuffy and stagnant rooms aren’t doing you any favours. Allow fresh air into your home by opening windows, drapes and curtains. Not only does it remove odours, but it also flushes out any harmful pollutants that have accumulated inside your home.

Make your own cleaning products

While cleaning products do a good job of keeping your home hygienic, some can actually be quite harmful to those living within it, contributing to respiratory problems, allergies and even headaches. Try making your own with ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice.

Grow some plants

Research has demonstrated the improvements to air-quality that living plants can make. Domestic plants like lilies, ferns and palms can remove CO2 and toxins from the air, and replace them with fresh oxygen. There are also other benefits of indoor plants, such as reducing stress and assisting with the recovery from illness.

Think twice about using air fresheners

Air freshener aerosols often give the impression of a clean and healthy home. In reality, they are really only masking odours that still linger in the air, and they are often made with chemicals that, although smelling good, aren’t very good for our lungs. Try natural sprays as an alternative.

Wash your sheets

We spend a lot of time lying in our beds, so as you can imagine, it’s only natural that many of the 500 million cells we shed from our bodies daily are going to end up in our sheets. Not to mention sweat, mould, human hair, pet hair, food crumbs, etc, etc.

Screens off near bedtime

Phone, computer and tablet screens are a big part of our lives, but we should be putting them away at night. Screens, and the content inside of them, stimulate our brains and keep us awake. They also emit blue light which suppresses the secretion of melatonin, a natural brain chemical that helps us sleep.

Beware of chopping boards

Replace old chopping boards, particularly if you often use them to cut meat. Old chopping boards contain knife cuts and slashes, providing a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, and making it very difficult to clean and disinfect.

Keep touchpoints clean

While we focus a lot of our time and energy cleaning objects that are obvious hotspots for bacteria, such as toilets and benchtops, there are other items which shouldn’t escape our attention. Mobile phones, door knobs, dish cloths, dish towels and keyboards are big transmitters of germs and bacteria.

Organic landscaping

Your home extends outside of its four walls, and there are lots of ways to improve the health of your family by being mindful of how you landscape. Avoid chemical fertilisers, pesticides and  herbicides on your gardens and lawns, to ensure your outdoor area is as safe as possible.

Cancel noise

Noise isn’t an obvious factor that can negatively affect our health, but research has shown that it definitely can. Traffic, music, aircraft and other sources of noise can disturb sleep, create stress and contribute to hearing loss in severe cases. Close windows, use earplugs or build barriers between your home and excessive and constant noise.

In conclusion, creating a healthy home goes beyond just the physical structure. It involves considering all those tips on creating a healthy home. Being mindful of how we landscape our outdoor areas and minimizing noise pollution can further contribute to a healthy home environment. By prioritizing our home’s health, we can create a space that nourishes us and helps us thrive.